Thursday, May 1, 2008

Day 3: Parque National del Café

This is how we began our hour drive to Parque National del Café! Actually Rosario's driver, Jose, took us out across a bunch of back roads on our way to the park. This gave us a great opportunity to see the land between here and Armenia. Jose was an excellent tour guide, while Dave was an excellent tranlator for me!

It had rained the whole night, so when we arose and saw that it was still raining we weren't quite sure what we were getting ourselves into...especially with a toddler. The day was wonderful. Actually, the beginning of the day was a bit over-cast. A little about the park...Parque National del Café is actually a park very similar to Hershey Park (for all you PA folks, or those familiar with PA). The park was created as a national attraction, but also as a tribute to the history and culture surrounding coffee farming and production. One of the first things that we attended was a show that told the story of how coffee came to be cropped and one of the leading exports of Colombia...the unique thing about this 'show' was that it was all dance...there were five different and very distinct forms of music used as part of the show. The dancers were pretty awesome...they were dressed in ornate costumes...I wish that we were allowed to take photos during the show...they would be wonderful to post here! All I can say is that if you ever find yourself in this part of Colombia, you have to see this!

The park is full of coffee plants, a walking tour of how coffee is grown, farmed, and produced, as well as rides for young and old alike. We rode a lift (sorta like a ski lift) from the top of the hill where we parked and where the park begins to the bottom to where the core of everything exists. Jonatan loved it! I was relieved to see this as his Mama is very interested in sharing her love of the outdoors and outdoor activities with him...some of which includes heights! (Dave is still a bit tentative on this one. LOL)

Some highlights: Jonatan rode the merry-go-round and insisted on returning once he realized how fun it actually was! Dave, Jonatan, and I also went up in a ferris wheel together...the catch on this was that we could actually spin our car in a circle with a wheel of sorts inside...well, when Jonatan and I figured this out...we went a bit crazy while Papa begged us to slow it down. I can see now where Mama and Jonatan may get themselves into trouble together. Ha! Another highlight was Jonatan and the animals...while there wasn't a petting zoo per se, we did get to see parrots, a bull, cows, parakeets, chickens, and donkeys...he loved them! Actually, for the ones he could touch, he insisted on kissing them...including the horse monuments that we came across throughout the park...this completely cracked me up! Too cute!

Jonatan and Mama before Papa asked us to slow down!

Ok...there is so much to share, but I will have to close with one last Mama and Jonatan story before Dave shares a bit with you...somewhere in all of our morning activities, we stopped by a bathroom so that I could check Jonatan's diaper and go to the bathroom myself...well...(side note: public bathrooms here do not have seats and sometimes have paper...the other unique thing is that you do not throw your paper in the toilet...typically you throw it away in the basket next to the toilet.)...anyway, when I went into the bathroom, I could not find a place to lay Jonatan down to do our diaper, the McGyver in me took over...we went into a larger stall and I proceeded to just undo his pants and diaper with him standing in the stall (fortunately he is a very patient little guy!)...sure enough, he was wet, so I took the old diaper off and proceeded to dig out a new one...and oh my, that is when it happened! Our little guy hosed me, the diaper bag, himself, and the floor! What in the world! I need to talk to the big guy upstairs about the tank size Jonatan has in him...I never knew such a small boy could hold so much fluid! Needless to say, I came outside and shared our little mishap with Dave and Jose who got a nice little chuckle. All told, we had a wonderful day together as a family...on our return from the park, Jose drove us back the main highway so that we could take in the mountain peaks and some of the views...and they were amazing!

Hi everybody! It is me David at the helm. We didn't realize that there really aren't too many pictures with me and Jonatan. I love taking pictures, I guess I need to learn to share the camera. Tomorrow we will take care of that problem. Anyway, these last several days have been so awesome. Words just can't describe the feelings I have. Jonatan has just blossomed and doing so well. He is such bundle of energy and may be a future USA or Colombian soccer star. He is such a blessing!!! I am also amazed how wonderful our experience in Colombia has been so far. The folks we have met are so friendly and helpful. It is so wonderful to be back in the country of my birth after so many years. So many wonderful memories are being rekindle and so many new wonderful memories are being made. I do have more to say (I think I could write a novel). It is getting a little late (it is 11:30 PM). I will be sure to write more from my perspective of things later.

PS I did want to wish my Dad a Happy 81st Birthday today. I love you Dad, and hope you had a wonderful birthday.

A "natural" water treatment area in the park:

Afternoon siesta, Jonatan style!

Jose got a good laugh when Dave asked if this was Juan Valdez!

The 'fine' leaved trees in this picture are actually bamboo...forests of bamboo, that is!

A true Colombian...Jonatan loves his coffee, with a Mama twist of chocolate, of course!

View of the surrounding area from the top of the park:

A view of the mountains on the way back to Pereira:


Jess Miller said...

I am smitten:) What a gift!!! Its so neat to see you as a family:) Hope you are feeling better and getting rest in the midst of it all.

Simek's said...

Well it looks like it was a great time and what a beatiful country!! Taylor says hi and she loves the pictures!

Love you all,
Jenny, Ian, Taylor and Jayden

janine said...

Yeah! I love Hershey Park! It looks as if you had a truly unique Colombian journey; that is awesome!

You are all so happy and it is such a blessing to share in this journey with you.

BTW, Scott and I didn't officially feel like parents until we got chi-chi'ed on! So there you go . . . now you're official! :)

Continue to have a spectacular time!!

The Eisenbergers said...

Is it possible to be "homesick" for somewhere you have never been? I cannot wait to come to the city of our children. Keep the stories coming and all of the information that you can possibly feed us. I am eating it up!!! Jonatan is gorgeous and so is your family. I am praying for you all. Do you think El Cortijo would have room for a family of 5? I have already asked our agency to look into it for us. No referral yet, but we are close, I can feel it. I am loving every minute of your story!


hagerty said...

Hi there! I finally figured out how to leave a comment. My husband and I are one our way to Colombia to adopt a group of three. We are just finishing paperwork and have an unofficial referral so we LOVE reading and following along. He is such a beautiful boy! He looks very sweet natured. Blessings on you all.

Adelman said...

I LOVE the Mamí story! I've got to share that one with Mark! You guys look like you are having so much fun in Pereira. I can't wait for you all to be in Bogotá or all of us we can have fun together! Integración is on Tuesday for us and my mom comes in on Wednesday. We will talk Thursday or Friday with you all and see if we can make some plans!


The Jensen Family said...
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The Jensen Family said...

Sounds like things are going perfectly as you build your lives together. Looking forward to the days ahead!
