Wednesday, May 14, 2008

More Details....

Ok, so Hector and his wife stopped by last night to give us some paperwork, including David's Colombian birth certificate!, and to go over what to expect for today and tomorrow.

Jonatan is currently we intentionally filled his morning with much activity so that he would be ready for a nap earlier rather than later! David and I are currently working on packing up some things as we expect to fly out to Bogota tomorrow night! Holy Canolies!

We expect a call from either Mauricio or Hector, any time now, to indicate when our Sentencia will happen this afternoon. The only detail that we know is that it will be sometime between 2 and 4 p.m.

As for the remainder of our time here...Rosario has planned a fiesta for Jonatan and our family celebrate our Sentencia...yummy yuca, plantain, empanadas (one of Jonatan's favorites), and some spicy salsa that we came across fun!

Tomorrow morning, Mauricio is planning to pick us up following breakfast as we have some more paperwork to complete. Our first stop will be for passport photos and then we will be off to get Jonatan's corrected birth certficiate as well as his Colombian passport. After Sentencia tonight, we will make flight arrangements back to Bogota and try to touch base with Lucia out in Bogota to make sure we are taking care of everything on our end.

Sooooooo, you can be in prayer for our longer day tomorrow...especially for Jonatan as the longer day and getting out of a routine seems to throw him off a bit...also for travel...we are not sure what Jonatan's experience with an airplane has been...although this will definitely be new for us...flying with a toddler, that is. A final detail that family and friends can commit to prayer is for Jonatan and adjusting to a new environment and sleep once we arrive to our destination in Bogota.

We are doing well, and have a few pictures from yesterday's slower paced day...really, we just went to Victoria Plaza (Troy and Andrea, you must put this on your list to do while down here...they have an entertainment center for kids and a pizza place that will let the kids do their own pizza...on the fourth floor!). We also visited an Exito for the first time while down here...this is really just like a Walmart Supercenter back home...they have just about everything you can think of!

This is a picture of one of the larger Catholic Cathedrals in is pretty spectacular!


Anonymous said...

I wish we were able to be there for the fiesta, it sounds like fun! I will pray for Jonatan's adjustment to the next new environment. Surprisingly children are pretty flexible to new situations. Jayden loves crayons and paper and that might work well on the plane.
Much love,

Simek's said...

How exciting!! well I hope all goes well and know you all are in our prayers!


The Eisenbergers said...

Congratulations Derr Familia! Thanks for the tip. We will need it. We got good news today. Not a lot of details, but we got "the call" :) I don't think I will sleep tonight!

I will be praying for you and your family as you make the trip to Bogota and then home!