Our house is obviously not the same since our return from Colombia! Let's see...I will start with the animals...I think that out of 4 cats, I have only seen two consistently in this whole past week. Jonatan has taken to trying to lay on poor Bud! He hasn't quite grasped the idea of petting the kitty...and simply using his hand to do so...it is definitely a full body contact sport. The funny thing is that Bud always comes back for more! Outside of referreeing the cat and Jonatan, I have found that while it took Jonatan a bit to warm up to Fawn, our canine daughter...she is no longer a foe for him. He will often seek her out for a loving headlock...hmmm, we need to work on that one too. And again, Fawn always comes back for more as well!
Over the weekend, my (Sheila) parents came out for a visit. Unfortunately Dave had to work. So sad, as he missed out on a nice weekend together! We love you, though, Papa! Anyway, we went to a local wildlife sanctuary of sorts...it is called Lake Tobias...if you are in the Central PA area, it is so worth your time to stop! The highlight for Jonatan was a petting zoo where he got to pet free-roaming goats and llamas as well as a miniature pony and camel! we additionally walked around the area to see the caged animals and then took a safari to see over 500 other animals out on a range. It was pretty incredible...and utterly amazing to see how little fear these animals had of the vehicles...to see Elk, deer, cattle, and ostrich just coming right up to the vehicle we were sitting in was pretty awesome! The fun part is that the vehicles they use for their safaris are old buses that have had their tops removed so you are completely exposed to the animals. Jonatan just loved it, and I am sure my parents did as well.
Sunday was our first day back to church. It was wonderful to see so many familiar faces! We had originally decided that we would send Jonatan to the nursery and have one of us join him there, so Dave had the honor since he got so little time with him during the rest of the weekend. All told, he did very well and had a lot of fun with everyone...even enjoyed his high fives and knuckles he must have done with everyone he passed!
As for the nitty gritty...I would say that we are all still working to find balance and routine. Dave and I put in an order for safety rails for our bed as we are still doing the 'family bed' with Jonatan but found that our bed is a bit too high to trust that he will not roll out during his naps...we do block the sides, but have found that our little guy still travels quite a bit.
I am sure other adoptive blog-stalking parents will agree to this one...it is an enormous change to go from having all your meals, laundry, and daily cleaning taken care of to doing it all yourself! I now realize how much time I wasted before having Jonatan! Wow, I am a bit administrative at heart, and this sure has challenged those gifts in me...I am constantly restrategizing in my head on what to do, when to do it, and how to do it...I used to work with children full time and remember my days of working to make the mundane fun and playful and have found those ideas rekindled in parenting Jonatan.
I must send a giant thank you to Amy for taking such great care of our animals and home while we were gone! Also a great big thankyou to she and Jess for filling our cupboards and refrigerator with food; not having to worry about shopping was such a huge help! We had a handful of other friends and family drop off either food or clothes, toys, etc. to welcome us home, and for this, as well, we are greatful!
So, here are the pictures you all have been waiting so patiently for!
Better late than never on some of these...this is a pic of all the families that were staying with us in Bogota
This is one side of the exterior of Zuetana for anyone who will be traveling soon and wondering what this one looked like
Ok, Dave really doesn't have a complex about the color pink, but I thought that this was a funny and cute picture of Jonatan with the car he loved to play with...Dave had just finished joking about how he would never want his son seen with a pink car when I took this picture...sorry, Papa! LOL!
More exterior shots of Zuetana:
Icecream with the Jensens on the Friday before our return home! How fun & we so miss you guys!
A fun pic of Jonatan getting his haircut in Colombia...the poor woman that was cutting his hair did a phenomenal job with a squirming toddler. She got away with only cutting herself once!
Here is Jonatan watching the airplanes in Bogota! He was pretty excited to be flying again!
This is one of cousin Taylor and Jonatan the morning after our arrival:
Hmmmm? I wasn't around for this photo op...I think that Dave is starting driving lessons early with his son. Maybe a tricycle will be in order in the very near future!
Ok, here is one of our eating adventures at home! Oh my...it depends on the food, but Jonatan can really get into it!
While this is not the most flattering picture of Jonatan, this is the only picture we snapped of he and Dave's Mom on our brief visit to their house one day last week...we will have to get more of them together...as well as Grandpap!
Jonatan met his match in goofiness! He loves immitating my Dad!
Meeting his goat buddies at the petting zoo!
And, last but not least, another moment where food is a little messy, although Mama is to blame for this one as she was not supervising the yogurt bottle very well! Oops!
great photos! fun to see jonatan's circle of family and friends growing! yeah, i imagine every task is quite different now. eating looks especially fun! ha! :P thanks for your message the other day. want to schedule a time to visit you guys. would it be okay to wait until after i get out of school (6/20/08)? after that i'll be so relaxed! and ready for some toddler fun! lots o' luv, brooke
Sheila....what a treat! Thanks for the pictures and the update. Jonatan is blossoming so much! Tell Dave only real men can carry pink with such self-confidence....LOL!
I'm going to try to do a blog post update today....good luck to me!
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