Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Country Club

I didn't realize how little pictures we had gotten of the place we were at today. Rosario had taken us out to a Country Club that she is a member of. It was way beautiful! We had originally intended to leave around 10:00 a.m., but Rosario had come to us last night and asked if we could leave around noon. This was completly fine with us; we later came to find out that a good family friend had her son (a 17 year old) killed in an auto accident last night. This turned out to be a very sad day today for Rosario. She had shared that having us and her granddaughter out to the country club was very helpful to her. Actually, she mentioned that the children always seem to brighten her spirits. We can tell; she absolutely adores them and is so very helpful with them as well!

An interesting fact about death and funerals that we discovered today was that a typical length of time between death and funeral is only 8 hours here in Colombia...I should say that this is mainly typical of the Catholic majority here. Rosario said that with Protestants and other faith practices the time varies. When she said that this young man had died on Friday...I thought that she was speaking of 8 days ago...not last night! She said that the only reason the funeral did not occur last night was because the local judge sometimes will order an investigation into the events surrounding a death. In a case like this, a funeral will be delayed by a day or so. We didn't have an opporunity to discuss much more than that, although I thought it was an intersting fact to mention.

As for our day, Dave and I spent the afternoon, and quite literally, in the kiddie pool! When I mentioned in my post the other day that we weren't quite sure if Jonatan enjoyed the water or not...well, let me include an addendum to that comment: He loves it! I think that outside of becoming a future soccer star, we have a future lifeguard or scuba diver on our hands! Consequently, I think that we will plan to spend more time in the pool here!

Getting back to the pictures...we were so completely focused on spending time with Jonatan, Rosario, and her granddaugther, Violeta, that we forget to snap some shots of the place. We will try and do better with other things we are doing. Tomorrow, Juan, Rosario's driver, will return and pick us up to take us out to a tourist town about a 40 minute drive away from here. Forgive me as I will have to share what the town's name is tomorrow. I forgot it and Dave is now in bed. We will be leaving around 11:00 and return later in the evening, so expect another late night post.

Just a fun shot of Lola, the tortuga, Jonatan, and I before we left for the Country Club

Monday will be a low-key day here at El Cortijo and maybe a trip back to the Periera Mall. On Tuesday we were told to expect our Integracion meeting...this is the follow-up meeting with the ICBF to make sure that everything is going ok and to affirm that we are ready to move forward with the legal process here in Pereira. You can be praying for this time as it may entail a return to the office where we first met Jonatan. I am wondering what Jonatan will think about this. We will do our best to prepare him for this meeting and may ask Rosario for some help in making sure he gets the full meaning of what we want him to know and be reassured of. Rosario mentioned that, in some cases, the ICBF has actually come out to El Cortijo because a child or children were so upset with the first meeting. We are not sure that this will occur with Jonatan, yet feel pretty confident that we can help him understand what this upcoming visit is about. And finally, on Wednesday, we will be joining Rosario out at her finca (farm) which is, apparently, back out where the Country Club is located. We are looking forward to this week, and can't say enough how much a blessing Rosario and her staff here have been...we definitely feel that we are in good hands and well-provided for. It is so good to be able to give our undivided attention to Jonatan. Well, until tomorrow night, much love and blessing!

This one is for you, Tia Brooke...Thank you so much for the Cheerios activity book, Jonatan loves it!


Ken Derr said...

We are so excited for your family and for all of these beautiful memories that you are creating. We are praying for you often in regards to finishing up the adoption process and as you get to know each other better as a family. Love ya,
Ken, Jennifer & Austin
p.s. Jonatan looks so handsome in his guallavera.
p.s.#2 If Jonatan has mommy's sense of fun on the ferris wheel, I look forward to going kayaking with him! (grin!)

Wanda said...

Amy just got me onto your blog site and I read and enjoyed all of your trip blogs. What a cutie! You all look so thrilled as well you should be! I'm not surprised the Dave's Spanish has returned. I remember being surprised how ours came back when we visited Nicaragua! Can't wait to see you all sooner or later! Wanda

Adelman said...

Love the shirt that the little man is sporting. The guayavera is awesome! Rosario is really taking care of you guys, that is so wonderful! You guys are going to have a great summer back at home swimming with Jonatan....thank goodness he loves the water!

brooke said...

Awwww! So cute! Thanks for including the photo with the Cheerio book! Oh, so sorry to have missed you the other day! I was at a women's retreat all weekend! Hope to connect with you soon! Last night I got only three hours of sleep 'cuz I was working on my final paper that's due TODAY! Oh, dear. :) Anyway, just a little bit 'bout me. heehee. I'm loving all of the photos! Hugs and Kisses to Jonatan! Love, Tia Brooke