Sunday, May 4, 2008

Day 6: Salento

This is going to be a very short post to say that we are doing well, had a great day in Salento, and will post more tomorrow as we are all pretty tired from our day and previous night (will explain more tomorrow). Here are a few pictures to wet your pallette!

Family photo above one of the valleys surrounding Salento:

Papa y Jonatan sporting their new sombreros!

Mama y Jonatan sharing 'Eskimo besitos'!


Wendi and Benjamin Wood said...

You guys look like you are having so much fun!

Love the last photo! What a precious one to keep forever! How sweet!

Hoping you are enjoying today and soon be off to Bogota! God bless!

janine said...

Your pictures are so great and you are doing such a wonderful job at capturing the beauty of the country as well as the beauty of a newly-formed family!

Blessings to you!

Sherri said...

I loved those photos! Jonatan is so sweet, and it's been great getting to know him via the blog. It looks like you are in a beautiful part of Colombia. There is such a variety there. We're praying for you guys, and the meeting tomorrow. God bless you three, and I hope you continue to enjoy your time there. It makes the days go faster when you can enjoy the country, which it looks like you are!
