Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Day 9: Bolívar Desnudo & Around Town

¡Sorpresa! Can you believe it? We are getting a post in before midnight or later! Wow, now that is a feat!

Before I tell you about earlier today, I have to tell you about last night...just some fun parent sort of stuff! Dave and I have been lucky if we get to eat a full meal together because Jonatan is usually done well before we are...he is a squirm bug when it comes to remaining at the table, so we have chosen to just take turns being with him while the other finishes eating, having coffee, etc. Well, Jonatan decided to give us a giant gift last night! He ate almost everything served to him and was still eating well beyond Papa and Mama! Oh my! We were even more amazed when we looked at the clock and saw that it read 9:15 p.m. Colombia time and we had not only completed dinner (as it is served between 7:00 and 7:30) but also had completed Jonatan's bath, bottle, brushing teeth, reading a couple bedtime books, prayer, and had him to sleep by then! Dave and I truly were beside ourselves! We actually had some alone time before both of us collapsed for the day! What an unexpected gift!

As for this morning, we had a great time traveling around the downtown area. Actually, our trip out with Jose (forgive me for confusing folks before...but Rosario's driver is Jose, not Juan...I have this awful habit of wanting to call him Juan! Oops! LOL!)...anyway, we intended to go to a music store to get a couple cd's with a variety of Colombian music followed by a trip up one of the local mountains to view the city. We ended up taking a walking tour of the downtown area, including both is the famous Plaza de Bolívar (in Pereira the actual statue is called Bolívar Desnudo as Bolívar is depicted riding a horse in the nude). The Plaza de Bolívar in the center of the city in front of a giant cathedral. This area is the focus of commercial and financial activities for the city. In fact, our lawyer has his office just off one of the corners of this plaza.

A little about Simon Bolívar: Along with José de San Martín, he was one of the most important leaders in Latin America's struggle for independence from Spain. According to some internet sources, Bolívar's legacy contributed to the independence of present-day Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Panamá, Perú and Venezuela. In the case of Colombia, each capital city (because Colombia is divided into departments...sort of like states) with the exception of Pasto has a main square with a statue of Bolívar. The most famous ones are in Bogotá and Caracas.

Our walking tour took us to a great empanada stand with one of the hottest hot sauces we have ever tasted! Yum! It actually made my eyes water! Did I mention that Jonatan absolutely loves emapanadas! Papa and Mama are going to have to learn how to make them! Another stop took us to a very attractive downtown restaurant and then off to one of the larger cathedrals in the city. Both places were full of amazing architecture and ornate decorations.

Several other interesting discoveries or facts from this morning: When someone sneezes in Colombia...the first time, you would say "¡Salud!"...the second time (in a row), you would say "¡Salud diez!"...the third time (in a row), you would say "¡Salud, diez, amor!"...what we gathered from speaking with Jose is that while salud means health, the second and third times would add a blessing of 10x's the health and then love. Another interesting fact is that in most places, with the exception of chain stores and places like supermarkets, it is the culture to haggle prices. Everywhere we have gone and chosen to buy something, Jose has assisted us in haggling a price that is less than what is advertised on a product. Pretty interesting and good to know.

Our final stop for this morning was the top of one of the local mountains. Jose drove us to the top where the restaurant, El Mirador, is located. What a spectacular view of the surrounding area. Actually, we were able to get several pictures of the famous Viaduct César Gaviria Trujillo, a free-standing bridge connecting Pereira and Dosquebradas. Dosquebradas is the twin city to Pereira and has a slightly smaller population...the exciting thing for our family is that this is where Jonatan was born!

Before I part, Dave and I wanted to share a few things we learned in the last week (that is, in parenting a toddler!...actually, there is much more, but these seemed to be the more comical top 3!):

1. The food on your plate is never your own (or snacks for that about invasion of personal space! LOL)!
2. Expect that what you propose doing now may not be that exciting...but given a few moments, your toddler may come back to you and state that they would like to do the very thing you just suggested. Oh, the beginning of developing independence! Ha!
3. Everything can potentially be shared...including the food in their mouth! Umm, we will have to work on that one! LOL!

Here are some additional pictures to enjoy!

An orchid that just so happens to attach itself to the trees around here...sorta like the 'air plants' we can get back home:

Our little Pereira Soccer Star!

Yesterday an Italian family moved in and just so happens to be adopting a little girl, Marie Victoria, who is only a day younger than Jonatan! Aren't they cute together!


The Jensen Family said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful place. Wow! The pictures are absolutely breathtaking and the weather looks to be good. You are so right about the food not being yours. When you buy things at the store that you want to make sure YOU get to eat. . . find a good hiding spot away from little hands. : ) Love the picture of the two kids playing in the fountain. They are so cute together!


Nicole said...

Nothing is yours anymore! Ha. Ha. One other thing is if you share a straw or bottled water expect to have floaties. Looks like you are enjoying your time! It's beautiful!

Simek's said...

Well about will come to you both. It appears you both are having fun learning and growing with Jonatan! Having kids has been great and something you can't explain, it has to be experienced.

Jenny :)

Anonymous said...

I apologize for not posting communication prior to this. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize how the posting worked.
Jonatan is quite photogenic and you and Dave do a great job of catching the breath taking scenery of Colombia. Dad and I are enjoying the pictures, history and information on customary Colombian behavior.
I'm so happy for the three of you. I get teary eyed thinking about the happiness you and Dave must be feeling. This definitely will be the most memorable Mother's Day for you Sheila. In addition to celebrating being a new mother but also getting to do it in Jonatan's country. God certainly has blessed you both with Jonatan.
Continue having a great time and keep the pictures and postings coming.
Dad and Mom Wright