Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Our Paperwork Is Officially Moving Forward Here!!!!

Well, our 9 a.m. meeting at the ICBF office here in Pereira went well...it was about a half hour of speaking with the psychologist then social worker. Actually, our discussion surrounded Jonatan's adjustment so far...is he eating? how is he sleeping? does he favor one of us over the other? how is his health? do we have any questions? how do we feel about the process so far? do we want to proceed with the legal process? I think our eyes about bulged out of our heads when we were asked this last question, because the psychologist started to laugh at the odd and commical way we were charading our answer to her! The translater, Mauricio, seemed to find this pretty funny too!

Hector, our lawyer, is now off to his office and then the judge's office with our paperwork. He said that he expects the judge to take about a week to complete his part of the paperwork. The other two major pieces of paperwork that we need take care of here is Jonatan's Colombian passport and his birth certificate. In the meantime, we are also working with Lucia, the CHI in-country program director, in order to get several more copies of David's birth certificate.

Here is a fun picture we took when we got back from our integration meeting...we were trying to get Jonatan to smile for the camera, although he still does not seem to get that idea when both of us are sitting next to him...soooooooooo, the next best thing was to make faces and sounds with our tongue...he loves that...although it doesn't make for the best picture! Enjoy anyway! As a side note...Debi, I am posting a few pictures for you to see the shoes that you got Jonatan! They are absolutely perfect! He loves them and will often point to them and say "vroom, vroom".


Sherri said...

I love the picture of him strutting on the brick, how cute! Congratulations on the meeting going well. A week isn't too long, enjoy your time, let me think, in Villeta (Ccundimicara) it took about 8 business days for the judge to sign off.

Thanks for your comments and prayers, they mean a lot to us. And Happy Week One with Jonatan!


PS- Only an adoptive parent would be suspicious, wondering why Dave would need more birth certificates, hmmm...

Wendi and Benjamin Wood said...

Congratulations! Awesome! Happy Mami's Day!

(A quick question: Dave sd we could ask ?s about where you guys are- are the mosquitos bad there? I told Ben we should go to Periera (sp)! You guys got the hook up! Smiles!)

Simek's said...

I love your picture Dave! LOL Glade to hear all went well. can't wait to hear when your coming home! Well enjoy your time there together, I'm sure it's going to be crazy once you get home. Does Jonatan like animals; dogs and cats that is??

Melinda said...

Congratulations! The integration meeting is such an important hurdle to be over. I am enjoying your posts very much! What a darling boy! Enjoy every minute in Pereira -- you'll be freezing all too soon in Bogotá.

Boyacheks said...

Hello! I am just getting caught up with your blog. I have been so busy. I love the pics!! You guys have such a cutie!!
Praying things continue to move fast for you guys!

The Jensen Family said...

Yea! Another thing to check off the list of things to accomplish before you can come home. It sounds like you can relax and enjoy the next week while the judge does his work. And it just look beautiful there so what a great place to be! LOVED the car shoes! Wish I knew what size our little Andres is so I could take some to him. Congrats on your first week together and the many more ahead.


Isabelita's_mom said...

Congratulations on your exciting news! Enjoy this very special time together. Your pictures are terrific and Jonatan is such a cutie.

Monica & Isabel

Ken Derr said...

Hey Dave, Sheila, and Jonatan! We're here at Mom and Dad's, and we've been able to show them all the pictures and blogs you've sent. They were so xcited to see the pictues and hear about everything that has happened on your trip. We can't wait to meet yo Jonatan!
