And then, this morning at breakfast, we were going through yet another routine...this is where Papa and Mama point to things and name them in Spanish then English or play the game "Donde esta" while waiting for our food to be served. Well, it just so happened that the table cloth had apples all over it. I had pointed to one of the apples and said "manzana" and then "apple". Well, he looks at Dave and then I and says "apple"! Oh how funny...and once he realized how shocked and excited we were...he proceeded to point to the apples and repeatedly announce to everyone in the dining room "apple, apple, apple". It was hysterical!
Ok, now, as for our flight home...we discovered two problems in booking a flight earlier than Saturday...if we leave Thursday, we can get as far as Atlanta, but would have a layover there until 8 p.m. Friday night and then come into Harrisburg rather late. The two problems are the long layover in Atlanta and the fact that Delta will not book an international-domestic flight unless it occurs (completely) within a 24 hour period. So, to sum things up...we will be home on Saturday. Here are the details of our flight arrangements:
Saturday, May 24th
Leave Bogota @ 9:30 a.m.
Arrive in Atlanta @ 3:31 p.m.
**We have a 2 hour layover, which apparently is just enough time to get through, you can pray that our flight arrives on-time, unloads in a timely manner, and that we have no problems getting our luggage, going through immigration, and then re-checking our luggage before needing to board our flight for Harrisburg.
Leave Atlanta @ 5:29 p.m. on Delta 4239
Arrive in Harrisburg @ 7:23 p.m.
At first, I must admit that I was a bit bummed about being here a few more days. It is not that I have been enjoying myself...knowing that we could possibly come home sooner because our process here is complete, led to anticipation of home, getting settled, and seeing family and friends. Ok, I don't usually get home-sick, but I think I had my first taste of it last night as we were trying to make flight arrangements. With that said, I am shifting my focus to relishing our last few days here...looking forward to taking Lucia, and possibly David and Andres, out to dinner as a family tomorrow night, and potentially getting together with the Jensens and their two new additions before we leave. As for some sight-seeing here in Bogota, we are going to sit down tomorrow and consider possibilities for Thursday and Friday...although outside of going back to the Embassy tomorrow afternoon, Dave and I are going to carve out some time tomorrow to spend individually with Jonatan to give each other a break. Dave has already declared that his time alone is going to be devoted to an extra nap! I think that Juan Valdez, a book, and I have a date! Have a great night and thank you so much for all of your emails and comments...they serve as an appreciated connection to home. Much Love, The Derrs
Some outtakes from the last couple days:
Jonatan was so completely tired after our trip with all the families on Sunday that he fell asleep in Dave's arms on our walk back to Zuetana...this is a footpath not too far from is actually quite quaint and has a park on the other end of it:
Our crazy little Colombian! On Sunday, Jonatan met this woman at the bazarre/market that was selling little Colombian ball caps...he loved fact, we brought a hat down for him, but he so dislikes wearing it...this one he willingly puts on and often will wear it backwards or off to the side! Pretty funny!
In case you ever wondered, yes, Colombia has McDonalds! The menu is pretty much the same, ironically! We visited this one when we, Dave and I, first arrived to Bogota on our trip down, and then revisited it on Saturday when we got in at an odd hour and had some time to burn before stores opened and we could move into our room...the fun thing about lunch and dinner is that they have a side bar that you can visit to add Jalepeno, Salsa, and other fixins' to your burgers. The only other unique thing about McDonalds here is that they have a cafe in the front of the store, completely separate from the counter you would normally order your food from.
Jonatan is going through a stage right now in which he thinks that everything Mama is eating is actually his to eat. Consequently, each meal is always an this pic, everytime I would try to sip some soda (or "pop", for family and friends in Eastern PA), Jonatan would try and press himself into my face and beat me to the sip. (Have no fear all of you hard core health nuts out there...he only had a few sips of soda! Scouts honor! LOL!)
Jonatan's pictures are adorable but I can't wait to meet him in person. Make the best of the last few days. It sounds like Saturday is going to be a long and tiring day for all of you. I will be praying for all of you to return home safely.
With love,
The NEWS we all have been waiting for!!! I'm so excited to meet your new member. We will be praying for a safe and hopefully short trip home.
Love you all,
Jenny, Ian, Taylor, and Jayden
I have loved your blog and am so glad you will be coming home soon. It amazes me how God gives us the perfect children to match our families. Your little guy appears to be perfect in every way. I love it. God Bless and we will keep following.
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