Monday, May 5, 2008

Day 7: Rest & Pictures from Salento

Ahhh...the feeling of just lazing the day away! Dave and I were talking about this past week and how busy it has been. It is so nice to have a 'day off' from running around. Our only plan today had been to go to the store for some diapers and wipies. How nice!

Jonatan had a hard night of sleep last night. At first, we thought that he was awaking every half hour or so after 2 a.m., but it turned out he was still asleep. He would sit up in bed, wimper or cry for a moment, and then drop his little head back on the bed. Sometimes he would say 'Mama', although we quickly found out that he really was asleep and no consoling on my part was going to help. We just stayed close and allowed him to ride out his dreams. When he awoke for his bottle at 6:00 a.m., we decided to let Jonatan sleep until he awoke on his own rather than trying to get him up for breakfast at 8:00. Well, he slept until 10:00! Oh my, he was a tired little boy! In fact, some of our photos from Solento show this in all of us! Hence, the rest day was oh so helpful!

Tomorrow morning is our integration meeting at the ICBF. It is a pretty basic meeting from what we understand. Our meeting is at 9:00 a.m. This will give us an additional opporunity to ask any more questions we have and also to allow th ICBF to do the same with us before our paperwork would head to the courts for more of the legal process here. We would invite your prayers for this and the coming week and a half or so as we are awaiting to have our adoption finalized here before returning to Bogota for Jonatan's passport, etc.

We had tried to post pictures from Salento this afternoon...had everything set up to post, but didn't realize that the internet connection had disconnected while we were doing the it never autosaved...and, I am sad to say I didn't save it so we had to redo it here...sorry for the delay...and thanks for following along! Enjoy the pictures!

On our drive to Salento:

Salento artesians have there work posted everywhere...along the way, we saw the work of one particular artesian who carves...these were huge carvings of a lizard, ostrich, and Christ:

In Salento:

A view from the top and bottom of the hill leading into town...and what a flight of steps this is...while we didn't walk the steps, we did take a hike up the back end of the mountain on a local footpath or trail, of sorts. By the way, several websites term Salento as a 'sleepy town'. Well, as the second and third pictures will show...this is anything but sleepy!:

Jonatan loves to look in mirrors...when he sees us, he will say "Mama" or "Papa" then "Si" and then point his finger and nod his head at us...when he is in the mirror, he will point and additionally say "nini"...his toddlereaze for "nino" (boy)...we have yet to hear him say his own name. Well, getting back to Solento...we were in a restaurant waiting for our lunch of "trucha y platano"...trout and Jonatan found my sunglasses very helpful in entertaining himself...they proved to be another great mirror to see himself and Mama in:

The Salento Catholic Church, found in the town square:

Err, um, Jonatan and I decided to try out confession. This was an old confession booth on display for the public (sorry, we are not Catholic, so I don't know what the actual term is for these):

All I can say is 'Oh wow' for this one! These guys were amazing! They are a local Andean group...we picked up one of their CDs and will have to give you all a listen when we are home:

These folks are another form of art that we came across on the sidewalks...and, yes, we assure you, this is really a live human being! All of them both amazed and intrigued me...particularly in how long they could stand, and perfectly still I might add!

A few more pics from our travel home...and also, bamboo is a readily available resource here so we thought it would be fun to include some pictures of how bamboo is used in is of a house we found in Solento while the other is a picture of part of the toll booth area on the highway:


Simek's said...

Well I hope you had a better nights sleep last night. The pictures are beatiful and I love that house! I hope all goes well today.

Remember you all are in our thoughts and prayers!

Jenny, Ian, Taylor, Jayden

Wendi and Benjamin Wood said...

Hey...keep the pics a coming! They are beautiful! We only got to go to one place in Bogota when we were in Colombia so it is really neat to experience a little taste of it thru ya'lls eyes...thanks for sharing and I'm sure everything will go great today! God bless!

The Jensen Family said...

What awesome pictures you are taking. I loved the bamboo house. It was beautiful! It seems like you guys have slid right into parenthood and are doing wonderfully. All the pictures show that you are so at ease and confident. Fantastic to see. Jonatan is one lucky, little boy!
