You see, Dave and I absolutely love the outdoors, especially backpacking. On our adventures you can often find us with camera and journal in hand, and for obvious reasons. It then simply makes the most sense for us to entitle our blog "Field Notes" as our journey has only begun as a family and it is in the 'field' of learning and growing together that we will be recording and journaling through the events of our lives.
What an amazing thought! When we leave for backpacking trips, we know that those trips will last a couple days to a couple weeks. To know that we have only begun this field experience and that it will continue a lifetime is such a thrill! I can only begin to imagine how we will grow as parents, how Jonatan will grow as a son, and what we will learn together along the way.
I think the other thing that is a bit striking about parenting, and so unlike backpacking, is that the journey isn't always clear. While we labor pretty intentionally on the details of our trips...from maps, itinerary, food, gear, and packing...parenting, family, and the future of our lives together isn't so much planned as it is lived moment by moment...and thankfully, with the grace, guidance, and provision of God along the way.
I realize that there are many unknowns about the road ahead. And while my own desire to have control and see the big picture causes a bit of anxiety, I am reassured in knowing that the unknown is what deepens my faith and broadens my ability to trust in my Lord and Savior. I am so thankful today for the way in which God has brought us together as family. While our road to Jonatan was relatively short in Colombian terms, his arrival to us has been awaited much, much longer...and I couldn't imagine a child any different! We are so blessed and incredibly greatful for the opportunity to share in his life! Hopefully "Field Notes" can do justice to all the experiences ahead!
Great post! Good thoughts! I agree!
Loved this reflective post, Sheila! SO much I agree with. Wish you were closer so we could see each other. Guess we'll have to rely on blog land and chats on Monday night? Think of you all often!
Hi, Sheila,
Just have some questions for you about Lake Tobias and the wildlife park. Can you email me?
jkayshinn at hotmail dot com
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