Has it really been 6 weeks, 1 inch, and 4 lbs. now since we have been home! I can hardly believe it! Our time has been filled with both calm and more tranquill family moments as well as the rounds to see family and friends. Jonatan has done remarkably well in meeting everyone and with the sometimes lengthy drives that we have had to make recently.
We are very greatful for my Mom and Sister in taking some much time and energy to put together such a wonderful shower for us back home at my parent's house. It was awesome to see family and friends from both sides of my parent's family! Jonatan especially loved getting to play with all of his Grandpap's toys...especially his Harley and tractor! And, we have to also post a special 'thank you' to cousin Taylor for all of her hard work in helping to decorate and entertain Jonatan during the festivities!
This was a sort of funny shot one of us took at my sister's house...we aren't quite sure what was going on...but the picture kinda looks like Jonatan is "laying hands" on cousin Jayden...I hope this didn't precede any sort of toddler baptism!
We have also had the opportunity to visit with Dave's parents as well as his brother, Ken, sister-in-law, Jen, and our nephew Austin! Actually, we just shared a visit with them over this past week! We miss you guys and can't wait to see you sometime in the near future! Austin, you will have to say 'hi' to your baby sister or brother for us! (For those of you who do not know that part of Dave's family...Jen is expecting in August! Yeahhhhhhh!!!!)
A special moment with Dave's parents!
Have no fear all of you baseball fans out there (Uncle Ken & Granpa Derr!)...we are still a little young for working on form...for now, we sort think it is fun to simply swing these things at any size of ball...both in the air and on the ground!
And, afterall, we do have a superstar cousin Austin to help us out with form in the future!!!!
This was a photo that we took on Friday while at the American Musicfest on frontstreet in Harrisburg. We actually had the opportunity to see a band called AZUCAR...http://www.azucarband.com/...they were a latin dance band...and what a special treat it was!
Yesterday, we decided to deviate a bit from what our schedule has been like to take in some family time for the three of us...sooooo, we boarded the Hummelstown-Middletown railroad for a scenic tour of the area. Jonatan was pretty excited to get on the train. When he got up in the morning, we had told him that we were going to ride a train, although it was clear that he didn't quite understand what that meant. We had a lot of fun as we also got to take in some live music and singing...songs like "I've Been Working On a Railroad" and, hmmm, I just blanked on the rest...but it was fun, though, ha!
And, to wrap up the low-down of our wherabouts, today in the afternoon, we went to a local state park to join a family we know for their daughters' (twins) 1st birthday. Happy Birthday Liberty and Glory!!!!! The park actually had a giant waterpark so some of our time was spent swimming and running in and out of water geisers and fountains. Jonatan didn't want to leave! We had a pretty comical moment when we hit the car this evening...Jonatan was trying so very hard to communicate to us what he wanted..."agua", "no agua", "agua", "no agua"...I think you get the idea...and then, all of a sudden, there was complete silence...he was overcome by sleep and slept the whole way home...which is such a rarity!
As for how we are in general...we are doing well. Dave and I continue to work to find balance in our days...I am sure all the parents reading this will understand this...we are not even close to striking a balance between and in our relationship with Christ, with each other, as well as Jonatan...not to mention work and other commitments we have. I feel like each day is a new experiment to see if our new adjustments will meet the needs that we have as a family...although, I suspect, that this will also be one of those lifelong processes! Another Ha!
I find myself marveling each day at the changes that Jonatan is going through...and how well he seems to be weathering them...and so completely amazed at his understanding of English! I really do wish I had that sort of capacity (in such little time) to absorb so much! He really has only heard English since we have been home, and I can tell you that he understands much more in the 6 weeks we have been here than I understand of the Spanish I heard in our 4 weeks in Colombia! I think the other thing that I have found myself doing a double-take on is how he has physically developed. When we first met Jonatan, he was quite shaky on his feet, especially when moving fast...and, as for steps, these were a challenge each day...he was always up for it...and because of his desire for repetition he has now mastered the art of going up and down the stairs (although we still would not dare to let him travel solo!) as well as running. Lastly, I think that we have discovered that Jonatan is a natural at climbing...and, I don't mean, just randomly doing the toddler climbing thing...he actually loves "climbing walls"!!!!! One of our local parks has an actual childrens' climb which is about 10 feet or so high and he not only loves to climb it, and can climb it very well, but he goes to the top!!!!! Mama is always climbing right behind...with Papa praying that his son finds a different sport to enjoy for the future (Dave hates heights!).
Well, those are some of the highlights of what has been going on in the Derr home...I can say that I would very much love to post more often, and am hoping that I can make that happen. Not only has this been a wonderful way to share with family and friends, but it is also kinda therapeutic for me!
And, this is just a small side-note for Wendi....you are on, sistah!!! I am taking you up on a 30 Mile Challenge for the month of July, and will get my ticker up in the next day or so! I hope to see yours soon as well!
I also have to place one more comment in here for a special family that is on our hearts and in our prayers often these days...Troy and Andrea, we are so very excited for you guys!!!!!! Not only is Pereira obviously near and dear to our hearts, but you are about to have 3 boys from Pereira join your family! We have a little soccer player here who can't wait to kick the ball around with your guys!!!! Enjoy your time in Bogota; we are definitely following you along as you make this journey! Much love from PA!!!!
Ummm, wow, my sunglasses were a great bargain, they do much more than I thought!!!!!
Errr, a mother's job well done!
Taking in that form that we were talking about earlier!
Ok, hopefully Jonatan will not be completely mortified when he looks back on this pic in 10-20 years! He is a complete ham at times and it totally cracks us up...he just up and does things like this when we least expect it...his entertainment skills are being polished every day!
One of Jonatan's favorite times of the day is spending it some time with Dave doing part of his evening routine!
This is a fitting last shot...chau for now!
So glad you all are doing well. Looks like you have been busy. Keep up the good work and love every moment, it goes all too quickly.
Those eyelashes are so amazing! He is so guapo! We are experiencing that same balancing act with our family here at home. We have to remind ourselves to schedule time to stop, breathe, and reflect here at the Adelman house.
Jonatan is just growing, growING, GROWING! He looks like he is so comfortable with you guys and the love and bonding between you all is so apparent.
I love to read your posts Sheila, the blog is truly therapeutic. Although, blogging time is sometimes at a premium around here so I had considered stopping. However, last week I went back and read our entire blog and it was so nice to reread it and see our thoughts way back when. So I'm continuing with the blog and am trying to get on at least 1x per week, to at least post pictures. Isn't that what everyone wants to see anyway...LOL?!
You guys are so awesome and we are so glad we were able to share this adoption journey with your family!
Wow, Jonatan has grown so much in such a short timeframe! That's just amazing! Love hearing of the family's adjustments and seeing your pictures. It's great to hear you're all settling into a routine, but also understand that sometimes the routine goes differently than what we expect. Ah, the joys of having a little one around... but what wonderful joys they bring! Hallelujah, God's amazing gifts are amazing, I'm sure you'll agree!
I've got one of those little guy natural climbers in Luis. He's so quick on the stairs, both up and down. We don't allow the solo thing either because he's still so little. Of course, Fabian is such a fast climber too so not too surprising.
Here's to finding balance - definitely a worthwhile goal! I love to see pictures of you guys!! Wishing you all the best,
Jennifer N.
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