It is so funny to think about sitting down and sharing through these blog updates. I often think about things that I would like to share, but when I finally sit down to write I realize that I should have carried a pen and paper with me throughout the day...I definitely need to update this more often, as I feel like so much has been happening between each post that it feels pretty near impossible to get all the details in one...otherwise the result is a mega-long post!!!
To begin, Jonatan and I had a wonderful trip to Massachusetts for our visit with good friends, Stephen, Laura, Jonathan (try saying that name and Jonatan's in the same sentence without confusing the boys...some pretty funny moments because of it, though!). We also had the privilege of visiting with Laura's parents and sisters...oh so fun! Bob, if you are reading this...Jonatan is still hiding his ball behind his back and asking people to try and find it. It is so very cute! And, Queen know who you are...Jonatan loves his beanie and bubble fan! He is so incredibly adorable with them!
Laura, Jonathan, Jonatan, and I:
On our way, we also stopped by and visited another good friend of mine, Becky, and her family in Connecticut! Once again, Jonatan's charm seemed to be a crowd pleaser. He enjoyed exploring Becky's parents' house and yard and an additional stop at one of their local Mexican restaurants.
Yesterday marked 12 weeks of being off I had to return to work...part-time, thankfully...and, as it turns out, I will be able to cut some more hours for the schedule that begins the end of September. What a blessing this will be...I would only be working Sunday and Wednesday nights...yeah!
As for Jonatan and the changes that continue to take place in our family and him...oh my, where to start! Just a couple weeks ago, Jonatan was blurting out a good many words in both Spanish and English, although a good many words were only understandable to those of us who spend a good amount of time with him...we have had to develop our ears for his baby Spanglish. Ha! Actually, it is incredibly cute! When he is working really hard at a word, he gets this impish grin (with dimples to go with) that is undeniably adorable. He has actually tried to use this same grin when we are working at redirecting or correcting him in those occasional and mainly toddler moments that do occur! It is one of those faces that sort of melts us as parents...hmm...gotta work at choosing the poker face in those moments.
Currently, Jonatan has advanced to being able to say 's' words, which previously seemed to elude him...the 's' was typically silent in his pronounciation. He can now additionally say 'Jona'...Jonatan is a little too many syllables to blurt out just yet, although he tries.
It has also been such a great blessing to see his desire for sharing in our times of prayer as a family. We always tell Jonatan who is going to pray and proceed to pray...well, he began this little ritual not too long ago in saying 'otro' (meaning-another)after we would finish...he then grabs our pinky fingers, closes his eyes, and wants to pray again...but, he wants to Papa or Mama then begin a new prayer in which he likes to recite everything that is said. I can only imagine what delight this brings God! It certainly brings much joy to our own in watching him desire to emulate that.
As for other milestones or progress...Jonatan is...
*now drop-kicking a ball...we are now considering the benefits of moving his ball activites outdoors.
*pretty consistently by day announcing to us when he needs to go to the bathroom (or is we don't always make it to the bathroom in time)
*now performing a gentle petting technique on all of our animals...but primarily for the cats...(score one for the felines in our household...I was beginning to think that they would be forever relegated to the part of the house where he was not!)
*learning how to float in our bathtub and loving it! We tried the pool scene, although the larger body of water seemed to put him into a panic...only in lying back into the water, that is...otherwise, he is a natural fish!
*currently getting over his first offical cold/sickness with us. It has actually been rather mild, but definitely gave us a nice view into Jonatan's world and what he needs during those times...a good bonding and growing experience for all of us.
1 comment: we need one of those bubble machines! I have to agree that with the acquisition of the drop-kick move with the ball it IS time to move all ball activities outside...LOL! It is so great to see you all and see how Jonatan is growing!
BTW...I forgot to say thanks for posting about the Social Security thing. It got me motivated to get out and get it done. We got her card in the mail today and will be getting her passport taken care of next month.
Our readoption seems pretty similar to your process. It is so nice to know it will be pretty easy.
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