More paperwork! Yep, we are in the process of completing the final bit of paperwork that we have with Jonatan's adoption. Since returning from Colombia, we have been asked quite frequently the "What's next?" question. I don't think early on we were even quite sure what the 'next' was...although, rest assured, we are on top of our game. Here is the low down on those the details:
As of today, Jonatan's readoption has been filed with the state of Pennsylvania. An intersting twist in this part of our journey was that we were under the impression that we would need to work with a lawyer to complete this...and that it would cost anywhere from $1,300 to $2,200...upon a closer look into the process and speaking with a very kind woman at the Dauphin County Courthouse, we discovered that this paperwork could be filed by us for only $30 with copies of Jonatan's Pennsylvania State birth certificates being $10 a piece! Now that was one big whoo-hoo!
A second stop was the Social Security Administration office for Jonatan's social security card. Oh my, this was quite an adventure! Once upon a time ago, I had to visit one of these offices for a replacement card when my original was stolen...and, I had completely forgotten how incredibly busy they are...not to mention that we live in a larger city, err shall I say town in this area. After an hour and a half of entertaining a toddler with everything that I could pull out of my pockets, my purse (um bag; totally not a purse type of woman! Ha!), and from my person, we were finally called to one of three windows. After some more waiting and inspection of paperwork, we were told to expect his social security card in the mail within the next 2 weeks! Check and done!
Our last stop most recently is a new home study agency to complete our post adoption, did I really say that? We had a little bit of a curve ball June, we had been leaving messages, both phone and email, with the social worker we had been working with for our home study, but did not get any, we then proceeded to call the agency directly...BUT found that the number had been disconnected. Hmmm? So, a reverse look-up of several numbers produced info that indicated our home study agency still existed...called those...and all disconnected...finally, in a last ditch attempt to contact them, we went to the internet to find out if they had moved...well, their website no longer a matter of three months, our agency is gone...finished...a mystery and with no word or warning! Weird.
This little glitch was only mildly annoying. Actually, maybe it is a God-send, as we are now connected with an agency that seems very sharp, is close by, and can have our post-adoption reports done in less than a week. Sounds good to me; hopefully the ICBF will be ok with that change! So, in the beginning of August, we will complete our first post-adoption visit with one of their social workers. And, for all of you who are wondering...we will have three more that will take us through February of 2010! Whoa baby!
As for progress in other ways or things to come:
1. Is now drop kicking balls.
2. Tried his first dish of green (spinach) eggs and ham and loved them!
3. Can now say several two word phrases..."Hello Papa", "Fawn come", "Lo siento", "Por favor", "Thank you", and "Oops Perdon"...some of these are understandable to us, but need some interpretation for those who aren't tuned into his's too cute though!
4. Will have his first ultra long car trip this coming week...and, I am not sure who to ask you to pray for more...Jonatan or Mama! We are headed to Connecticut and Massachusetts to visit a friend of mine who also has a son about a year old...while Dave stays back in PA to catch up on work that he still has waiting from being away in Colombia.
5. Has one more trip to the hospital next Saturday for some blood draws...oh pray for our little man! The first trip was not very pleasant for him...the nurses didn't "realize" that he was as strong as he was, so he got impaled in his one thigh 5 x's for 2 vaccines...and 2 x's in the other thigh for one additional vaccine. While at the Social Security office, I found a bandaid in my bag and offered it to him to play with and he immediately started wailing because he thought we were actually in a Dr.'s office and were going to get more shots! Oh no!!!!...just a small window into next week's visit!
1. Returns to work part-time on the 20th of July...and am now thinking that I was crazy to choose the schedule and hours I will be working. Hmmm, that may need to change.
1. Starts another accounting class in August for the fall semester!
As for this weekend, we are off to do some swimming as a family tomorrow, and then Jonatan and I are off to New England until Wednesday.
That's awesome! Sounds like everyone's doing great. By the way, my sister needed an interpreter to understand Katie until she was probably 3 or 4! 90% of the conversation was fine but, without fail, she'd always look at me like WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?! at one point or another. ;)
I love the change in your blog...I am not sure if I mentioned it before...
Also, I caught "Massachusetts" in your post? Would your friend be willing to commit to pray for Isaac and his family? If so, please forward my blog and Sherri's to them and have them send an email with a note or prayer or scripture with! That would be awesome!
I planned to walk 1 mile tonight on WATP...we will see... I can do it! I'm a little inspired as I see your ticker up.
Jonatan sounds so busy! I bet he is lots of fun!
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